/* ---------- Sparkline Charts ---------- */
//generate random number for charts
randNum = function(){
//return Math.floor(Math.random()*101);
return (Math.floor( Math.random()* (1+40-20) ) ) + 20;
var chartColours = ['#2FABE9', '#FA5833', '#b9e672', '#bbdce3', '#9a3b1b', '#5a8022', '#2c7282'];
//sparklines (making loop with random data for all 7 sparkline)
for (i=1; i<9; i++) {
var data = [[1, 3+randNum()], [2, 5+randNum()], [3, 8+randNum()], [4, 11+randNum()],[5, 14+randNum()],[6, 17+randNum()],[7, 20+randNum()], [8, 15+randNum()], [9, 18+randNum()], [10, 22+randNum()]];
placeholder = '.sparkLineStats' + i;
if (retina()) {
$(placeholder).sparkline(data, {
width: 200,//Width of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' - May be any valid css width - 1.5em, 20px, etc (using a number without a unit specifier won't do what you want) - This option does nothing for bar and tristate chars (see barWidth)
height: 60,//Height of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' (line height of the containing tag)
lineColor: '#2FABE9',//Used by line and discrete charts to specify the colour of the line drawn as a CSS values string
fillColor: '#f2f7f9',//Specify the colour used to fill the area under the graph as a CSS value. Set to false to disable fill
spotColor: '#467e8c',//The CSS colour of the final value marker. Set to false or an empty string to hide it
maxSpotColor: '#b9e672',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the maximum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it
minSpotColor: '#FA5833',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the mimum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it
spotRadius: 2,//Radius of all spot markers, In pixels (default: 1.5) - Integer
lineWidth: 1//In pixels (default: 1) - Integer
//only firefox sux in this case
if (jQuery.browser.mozilla) {
} else {
} else {
$(placeholder).sparkline(data, {
width: 100,//Width of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' - May be any valid css width - 1.5em, 20px, etc (using a number without a unit specifier won't do what you want) - This option does nothing for bar and tristate chars (see barWidth)
height: 30,//Height of the chart - Defaults to 'auto' (line height of the containing tag)
lineColor: '#2FABE9',//Used by line and discrete charts to specify the colour of the line drawn as a CSS values string
fillColor: '#f2f7f9',//Specify the colour used to fill the area under the graph as a CSS value. Set to false to disable fill
spotColor: '#467e8c',//The CSS colour of the final value marker. Set to false or an empty string to hide it
maxSpotColor: '#b9e672',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the maximum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it
minSpotColor: '#FA5833',//The CSS colour of the marker displayed for the mimum value. Set to false or an empty string to hide it
spotRadius: 2,//Radius of all spot markers, In pixels (default: 1.5) - Integer
lineWidth: 1//In pixels (default: 1) - Integer
/* ---------- Init jQuery Knob - disbaled in IE8, IE7, IE6 ---------- */
if(jQuery.browser.version.substring(0, 2) == "8.") {
//disable jQuery Knob
} else {
var circleColor = $(this).parent().css('color');
'readOnly': true,
'width': 120,
'height': 120,
'fgColor': circleColor,
'dynamicDraw': true,
'thickness': 0.2,
'tickColorizeValues': true,
/*------- Just Gage Init -------*/
g1=new JustGage({id:"g1",value:67,min:0,max:100,title:"Visitors",label:"per minute"});
g1a=new JustGage({id:"g1a",value:45,min:0,max:100,title:"Errors",label:"average"});
g2=new JustGage({id:"g2",value:15,min:0,max:100,title:"Timers",label:""});
g2a=new JustGage({id:"g2a",value:7,min:0,max:100,title:"Alerts",label:""});
g2b=new JustGage({id:"g2b",value:22,min:0,max:100,title:"Events",label:""});
/*------- Easy Pie Chart Init -------*/
$('.updateEasyPieChart').on('click', function(e) {
$('.percentage, .percentage-light').each(function() {